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If you're a wool grower, Fusca's got your back. We know farming is the foundation of the industry, and that's why we've made it easy for you to track the value of the types you grow all year round - not just when it's time to sell.

With Fusca, you can save the exact types of wool you grow and get market reports tailored just for you. That way, you can see how every little attribute affects the value of your wool, and figure out where you can make improvements through more targeted preparation and management.

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Brokers and Merchants

Sick of relying on just a few core types each week? With Fusca, you've got a fully searchable auction at your fingertips. That means you can start every conversation with a solid foundation of reliable, up-to-date information, no matter what kind of wool you're dealing with.

And the best part? You can arm your reps with a tool that helps them have smarter conversations with customers, and keeps them engaged with the market.

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Quickly view the impact on price for any tested attribute of wool, and where the pricing breaks are. See where wool is being shipped to, and find out when that significantly changes so you can always position your business in the best possible way.

With our complete digital record of every auction, slice it up any way you want, and make sure you aren't missing any opportunities.

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Fusca is an unbiased source of truth using all of the available information to give a comprehensive view of the position of our industry. 

Talk to us about how you can connect to the platform for reliable and up-to-date market information, and even embed our general strong wool market index on your site.